Major water supplier required a bright, durable floor to clearly demarcate the walkways within their blower room.
Firstly, our team had to remove any contamination from the blower room area, cleaning any old dust and debris that may be present.
We then got to work preparing the existing floor, using dust suppressed rotational grinding to remove old paint and surface laitance. To minimise any dust caused by this process, a vacuum is attached to the grinding tool.
Once the area was clean, we applied a sealer-primer in preparation for the high-build epoxy. This process would also reveal any areas with large divots or depressions, that our team corrected with mortar.
Our team then applied 2 coats of high-build epoxy resin in green and grey, to identify walkway areas. The coating applied was Staingard High Build Epoxy. This coating has been used to protect pump rooms and plant room floors for over 25 years. It has great wear properties and high chemical resistance. Staingard conforms to the FeRFA Type 3 definition for synthetic resin floors.
Finally the finishing touches were added, yellow UVR-resistant high-build polyurethane lines were added to mark the walkways.